Once Upon a Time in Shreveport is a new comedy and history podcast from All Y’all Media LLC featuring (and making fun of) strange, true tales from the annals of Shreveport history. The series is produced, written, hosted and edited by All Y’all podcast co-creator Chris Jay with original music by the Brothers Treme, original episode artwork by Nate Treme of Highland Paranormal Society, and graphic design by Sara Hebert. The first, six-episode season of Once Upon a Time in Shreveport will be released weekly during the summer of 2021, with a two-week break between episodes three and four.
The first episode, “Shreveport Monkey Paw,” explores the events of Dec. 12, 2012, when the discovery of mysterious severed hands and feet caused the temporary shut-down of a dog food factory located on North Market Street in Shreveport. To discuss this bizarre incident, we corresponded with Louisiana State Representative Cedric Glover as well as Monroe-based rock n’ roll singer and funny person Billy Vidrine.
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We’ve launched social accounts for Once Upon a Time in Shreveport, and you can give the show a like on Facebook or a follow on Instagram to receive regular updates.
This podcast would not have been possible without the financial support of three sponsors who stepped up to underwrite production by advertising: Sartin Law Firm, Putman Restoration and Sainte Terre. Want to support the creation of future episodes through advertising? Email ChrisJay318@gmail.com and let’s talk!
Plans are in the works for more episodes of Once…, but we’ll only make them if the first six are well-received. To receive all episodes, subscribe to the All Y’all podcast feed.
Coming up in our second episode, we’ll explore the life and career of Shreveport indie movie producer and sports television icon Andy Sidaris.